Congratulations on the award! It is great that your work on patient centered decision making is being recognized.
On Schwartz to receive John M. Eisenberg Award
Personally, I have been encouraged to work toward a flipped classroom on my (once yearly) forays into the UAB introductory…
On Lecturing in the classroom produces lecturing in the exam room
I understand the concern here, but lumping all lectures and lecturers into a single bucket represents a logical fallacy. We…
On Lecturing in the classroom produces lecturing in the exam room
This wonderful study points out that a true love of people and a curiosity about the whole person and not…
On Curious health providers also provide better care
Thanks for calling attention to a thought provoking study. I do have a question about a comment you made....You write…
On It really is the patient’s story
I agree that there is more here than meets the eye and you describe it well. You begin by observing:…
On Third year medical student: Imposter or Caring Advocate?
Where you recommend to students (or perhaps to all would-be caregivers) "rather than worrying about who you are trying to…
On Third year medical student: Imposter or Caring Advocate?
Sage advice - well stated
On Third year medical student: Imposter or Caring Advocate?
Just came from an office visit with a doctor, nurse and medical student involved. The nurse and student seemed to…
On The Doctor-Computer Relationship
Communication between the provider and patient is extremely important: before, during, and after the visit! The suggestion (from Alan above)…
On The Doctor-Computer Relationship